
In the goodish and audacious life, be independent enough,

In get-up-and-go, everyone is sure shot to face the rough and tough.

Omnipresent, there are folks to fill negative lights, provoke, judge to break you,

Be independent enough, remain positive and confident to make the best of blue.

Perform in your specified way possible, opt fair and unique road to reach the goals,

Be independent enough to keep the way of living under control.

The masses around you fill their views and thoughts and strive to change the decisions one take,

Betide self-sufficient enough and fix on the strategies regarding what and how to attain the target, outwardly enacting mistakes.

Never hide or run instead get hold of the responsibilities for the actions and decisions,

Be self-reliant, accept transitions to succeed and glisten.

Never/ not on your nelly blindly rely on and trust someone to obtain something in life,

Make a move fully fledged, confidently or else in strife.

Detach yourself from people who are stumbling block,

Alongside ambitions accomplished place those in shock.

Our very own shadow abandon us in the dark,

Endeavor to be autonomous as well as financially independent,

Celebrating life in contentment.

Poem by Vibrant Vaishnavi

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