A “crush” is a strong feeling of attraction or infatuation towards someone. It is a romantic attraction and a common experience among adolescents and adults. A crush can be a powerful emotion that can affect one’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior. It can also be a source of excitement, joy, and happiness. However, crushes can also be a source of stress, anxiety, and disappointment if the feelings are not reciprocated or the other person is unavailable. A crush can be on a friend, a colleague, or even a celebrity. It is usually a temporary feeling, but sometimes it can develop into a long-term relationship. Having a crush is a normal part of life and an experience many people can relate to.

Feeling experience having a crush in life
Having a crush can evoke a wide range of emotions, depending on the individual and the situation. Some common feelings that people may experience when they have a crush include:
- Excitement: The thrill of potentially forming a romantic connection with someone can be exciting and can create a sense of anticipation and butterflies in the stomach.
- Happiness: Having a crush can make a person feel happy, especially when they think about the person they have feelings for.
- Nervousness: Being around the person you have a crush on can make some people feel nervous or shy, especially if they are not sure if their feelings are reciprocated.
- Infatuation: Having a crush can make a person feel infatuated with the person they have feelings for, which can cause them to idealize and romanticize the person.
- Disappointment: If the feelings are not reciprocated or if the other person is not available, the person may experience feelings of disappointment, sadness, and even rejection.
- Jealousy: If the person they have a crush on is seeing someone else or if the other person is not paying attention to them, the person may experience feelings of jealousy.
Having a crush is a normal part of life, and it can be an exciting and fun experience but also challenging and difficult. It is important to remember that crushes are temporary feelings, and it is normal for them to come and go.

Short-term or long-term feelings?
Crushes are generally short-term feelings. A “crush” is typically a strong feeling of attraction or infatuation towards someone. However, it is usually not a long-term, committed relationship. Crushes are often temporary and can come and go, and they are often not acted upon. While it is possible that a crush can develop into a long-term relationship, it is not always the case.
However, some people may experience a more intense or prolonged crush, and it may be difficult to get over it. In such cases, it is important to remember that time is the best healer, and it is normal for feelings to change and evolve.
It is also important to remember that it is important to respect the other person’s feelings and to make sure not to act in a way that could be harmful or disrespectful. Also, it is important to not force or push something that is not mutual, as it could lead to disappointment or hurt.

Side effects of long term crush:
Long-term crushes can have a number of side effects on a person’s emotional and psychological well-being. Some of the potential side effects of having a long-term crush include:
- Obsessive thinking: A long-term crush can lead to constant thoughts and fantasies about the person, which can be distracting and disruptive to daily life.
- Emotional distress: A long-term crush can lead to feelings of disappointment, sadness, and even rejection. If the feelings are not reciprocated or if the other person is not available.
- Low self-esteem: A long-term crush can lead to feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and self-doubt if the person feels that they are not good enough for the person they have feelings for.
- Social isolation: A long-term crush can lead to a person withdrawing from social situations or avoiding contact with the person they have feelings for. This leads to feelings of loneliness and isolation.
- Difficulty letting go: A long-term crush can make it difficult for a person to move on and form new relationships if they are unable to let go of the feelings for the person they have a crush on.
- Jealousy: If the person they have a crush on is seeing someone else or if the other person is not paying attention to them, the person may experience feelings of jealousy.
It’s important to remember that having a crush, even a long-term one, is a normal part of life. But it’s also important to take care of one’s emotional and psychological well-being. If the crush becomes overwhelming, it might be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor. They can help process the feelings and develop coping strategies.

A flutter in my heart, a spark in my eye
A feeling so strong, it makes me fly.
A crush, a desire, a flame that burns
An emotion so sweet, it makes my heart yearn.
It starts with a glance, a smile, a word
A connection so pure, it can’t be blurred
A rush of emotions, a wave so true
A feeling I never knew I had.

It’s a dream, a fantasy, a hope
A feeling that makes me want to cope
A longing for something that may never be
But still, my heart longs for you and me
It’s a secret, a silent, a hidden desire
A feeling that sets my heart on fire
A crush, a passion, a love so true
A feeling that makes me think of you.

It’s a puzzle, a mystery, a riddle
A feeling that makes my heart fiddle
A spark, a flame, a burning desire
A feeling that takes me higher and higher
It’s madness, craziness, a thrill
A feeling that makes my heart stand still
A rush, a thrill, a heart so true
A feeling that makes me think of you

It’s a hope, a dream, a fantasy
A feeling that makes me want to see
A future, a tomorrow, a chance to be
With you, my crush, my love, my destiny
It’s a moment, a memory, a feeling that will last
A feeling that forever will be cast
A love, a crush, a passion so true
A feeling that I’ll always have for you.
Vibrant Vaishnavi