Emotions, Connections and Discoveries

Hi there, universe!

Earthified by humans!

A wide range of emotions were present in the mix of individuals!

Are we spectators in the show of life, or are we puppets in its hands?

The theatrical scene is fully established and designed for meeting and mingling with individuals. The transformation from a toddler’s scream associating with strangers to a strong connection with close ones. Strangers become the closest ones. Our lives are truly closed off by those who are close.

Everybody, known or unknown, is traveling somewhere, elsewhere, or nowhere, subject to their life’s nitty-gritty. 

Happiness can be witnessed with a bright smile or laugh that is transparent enough on people’s masked faces. Moreover, there is always fight, sadness, or pain hidden behind the smile.

On the contrary, few are blessed with life’s contentment, where their eyes glow with peace and joy. Life seems so beautiful and blissful. 

In our drive to confront reality, we occasionally fall into delusion or construct insurmountable imaginations. We plant seeds of fleeting bliss. Thus, it turns into an unduly sweetened counterfeit existence. 

Furthermore, manufactured judgments, gossip, and passing comments about others have become popular leisure activities.

As humans, we describe someone as being either this or that. He/she did or didn’t do this or that—be it attitude, attire, ideas, etc.—and numerous other things.

Individuals who strive for ideas, experimentation, skill development, a voracious appetite for knowledge, and responsibilities embark on a journey towards their aspired ultimate destination.

It sets off the life wheel itself.

What a delightfully chaotic exploration of the human condition!

Whether we’re spectators, puppets, or just bemused extras, one thing’s for sure: this cosmic theatre we call life is an entertaining mess. Cheers to the glorious struggle.

We oscillate between profound joy and soul-crushing ennui all the while. But there may be a little whimsy, and delusion is the spice that makes this existential drama bearable.

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