
We witness beautiful things through our lovely eyes,

Likewise, there are enormous things that galvanize.

More than whatnot expressive are the eyes,

Unique in the way for the words to the wise.

The structure of the peepers is fabricated with fourteen segments,

Which helps humans to experience enthrallment.

Self-feel peepers are full of life and colors,

Empowers to encounter liveliness.

Accordingly, peepers make the reality of imagination,

Through which we endure to delight in or dishearten.

We do experience love at first sight through our heavenly eyes,

In the same way, catching sight of angels in life does hypnotize.

Eyes put in the picture known as truth, even when the mouth fails,

However, peepers have the potential to take the wind out of the sails.

To illustrate, the bigger compositions when forged with creative visuals vividly described,

The peepers make it possible to sense and visualize, get strongly inscribed.

Its all by dint of our eyes we have sight of outright dimensions,

Exuberant we live through adorations, flirtations, hallucinations and manifestations.

Thus peepers get us through the effervescence,

Filling our mind, heart and soul with candescence.

Live life to the fullest happily taking in the positive vibes and carrying forward the splendid moments.

Poem by Vibrant Vaishnavi.

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