
Greetings to my sweet and dearest readers! This blog lights up the persisting problems of the persona…

Never thought about anything this much deep,

The latitude is a whole new mystery without exception mould to weep.

The odd man out somewhere struck consequently, consoling its ok to be,

Accordingly, exerting force to find and see the triumph and happiness to become extraordinary.

The space wasn’t filled with space anymore,

Indeed the fake life plays an unimaginable game, damn all the bitter occurrences are likely a ghost tour.

The craving to lead a sophisticated life, however on the contrary overflowing with utmost suffocation,

The consistent tricks wrongly take different dimensions.

Witnessing the souls outside glowing with milk and honey,

Consequently, experiencing distress, at times sleeping so long deeply and bitterly,

Cherishing and living with a Bunny in paradox striving to forget the pain,

The other side of life’s coin indeed showering tigerish acid rain.

The problems in life are conventional, however unlike a fly in the ointment,

Unknown/hidden/ineffective is the bring to play dint.

The heat sensed because of the fire and the bitter life beyond,

Will the striving struggles ever justify what I fairly want?

Why does every single attempt in the righteous track gradually glow dim and disappear,

Thereby projecting ubiquitous into unimaginable horror,

Neither the time nor the timing of fashion flow through the wilderness in a way that is true,

Coloring perfectly in its entirety with concentrated blue.

Poem drafted by

Vibrant Vaishnavi

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